Friday, July 1, 2011

Holy Holes

So yesterday I had my wisdom teeth pulled. I wasn't put under and it wasn't to bad. The worst thing that hurt was when they gave me the shots to numb my mouth. There was some pressure when they were pulling the lower ones out but other than that it was pretty easy going. I was shocked to see how quick they did it, they had removed all four in an hour, and one of them had needed to be cut out. The only disappointing thing is that they didn't give me dissolvable stitches, so I have to go back to have them removed...which is going to cost more dinero. I was also a little sad that I didn't get to keep my teeth, I had the perfect idea for what to do with them (I was gonna make a bracelet with them and say they were the teeth of my victims, perfect right?!).  They don't really hurt at all unless I try to make my jaw open really far. The only real problem with this that I have is that I can't eat solid food. I'm HUNGRY! And pudding doesn't really fill a person up. I'm seriously contemplating taking delicious foods like chicken and beets and other things I can't eat and making a smoothie out of it. That's how bad I want real food.