Monday, October 10, 2011

A rant against professors

This blog is about teachers in general (granted it doesn't really apply to those in the extremely lower grades, but in case you're thinking of a career change, well then pay attention).  I realize that you are just as busy as I am if not more so, I realize that you enjoy having a life outside of school as much as I do, and I realize that you have more to do than just teach me for an hour every couple of days.  However, if you're going to ask me to do an assignment for you, then you should give me enough time to complete it.  This means that if it's an online assignment, or the directions should be online, or if it's something I need to print off, then you should put it up the day the assignment is announced....I shouldn't have to wait all night to receive the homework so I can rush at the last minute to finish it because you didn't put it online until 12 hours before it's due.  I have to respect you in the classroom, the least you could do is respect me outside of it...that's not to much to ask...and if you can't upload the assignment in a punctual fashion THEN YOU SHOULDN'T BE ASSIGNING THE FUCKING THING IN THE FIRST PLACE!

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