Thursday, June 2, 2011

Lady Emotions

So it's that time again. And not to break with tradition, I'm feeling a little down today.  I've been thinking about some things, like how everybody seems to be so much more grown up than I am at this point. They talk about stuff that's super important and they also use grown up wording (which is super cool dude!). It's like someone has shared with them this top secret memo and map of how to be a grown up and not some adle-patted angsty teen. Another thing is that it seems like EVERYONE is getting to date the significant other of their dreams, getting engaged, having babies or getting married (and some with multiple choices).  I want my life to start picking up the pace like theirs. I'm tired of being so behind everyone else with their amazing Life Plan and where they know they're going, while I'm still here standing at the sign post flipping a coin to choose either to go left <--  or --> right. But it's not like I can mention it to a lot of people because the ones that are in relationships always go one of two ways either option a: you are so lucky to be single, dating someone isn't nearly as awesome as it sounds or b: you just have to wait, the right person is going to find you when you least expect it. For people who say option a, if relationships aren't as great as they sound, then why the hell are you in one? Clearly it's better than being single even if it isn't the greatest thing in the world or you'd be single. For option b, why do I have to wait, why am I the one to be found, why can't I do the searching? What's wrong with showing a little motivation in at least one area in my life? I thought that showed I was making some progress. These are just the main ones I've been focusing on for the last bit o' time I guess, I think I honestly just wish that there was a map to life and cheat book where I could put in a code and then 'bam' there would be an easy part with sunshine and a clear road with cute cuddly creatures waiting for me to start walking in that direction. But unfortunately not, it's just Learning Information From Experience.

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