Saturday, June 25, 2011

Show Your Pride

Today I went to a Gay Pride parade with a couple friends, and I saw a lot of colorful, fabulous characters there, and it made me feel like giving them a shout out.  I was really impressed with the trannies. I mean they put so much work into their looks and they spend more time trying to be girls than I do (they're weren't any girls dressed at guys but I'm sure they're quite stunning too), and they are really dedicated.  Some of them were wearing shoes with like 6" heels (which for anyone who has ever tried wearing heels bigger than 4" is a superbly amazing feat), and they were WALKING AROUND, not just sitting somewhere in the shade, but walking around out in the sun for hours like it was no big deal. Those people deserve dedication awards or something just because. Anyway there were speakers there and they were talking about how there's only three states that allow gay marriage now, and it made me feel like voicing my opinion. There's all those sayings about how gay marriage will ruin the institution of marriage, or that it's wrong to be with someone of the same sex and blah blah blah.  My thought on the institution of marriage, (and there may be a large chance that I'm wrong) is that marriage is the joining of two people who love each other and want to take care of each other making a vow in front of people.  How on Earth does the sex of the couple change that? It really doesn't, so what's the big deal? Another thought I have, is how is it wrong to be with someone you love? It shouldn't matter if it's same sex or opposite sex relationships, if you love someone then you should have the RIGHT AND PRIVILEGE of being with them until death do you part. Love is something so pure and rare that when two people have it they should be able to celebrate it without being questioned or harassed.  And finally, if straight people have the right to try to make themselves happy/miserable (which is how the joke goes about marriage) by pledging to be with someone until the day they die, then so does everyone else, because when you're straight you aren't a different species, you're still human, just like gays, bis, lesbians, and transgenders.  That'd be like saying that for whites it's acceptable to get married but black, hispanic, asian, and anyone else can't because they aren't white. It kind of makes me mad that people can't pull their heads out of their asses and realize this. I guess that's the end of my rant, and I just want to say stay fabulous to everyone out there, and keep pushing for what you deserve to have!!

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