Wednesday, June 1, 2011

An Ode to Mo

I thought I would give something like a shout out to a friend of mine cuz she rocks something fierce. She's a pretty inspiring person just because some of the shit she's had to handle and she's faced it like a champ. Her mom died of cancer when she was a freshman in high school which is something I don't want to try to imagine. She was dealt a pretty shitty hand when it came to the rest of her family, and yet she's managed to turn out pretty amazing. She's mostly positive, she's completed her degree for massage therapy already and is on her way to doing what she wants for the rest of her life. She's pretty freaking hysterical...I mean I honestly don't know someone who can keep a joke about eating babies running for a good four years and still makes it hysterical. She's pretty non-judgemental and she has always taken the time to talk to me when I hit her up. Not to mention she's intelligent and has mad wicked skillz like a ninja. All around she's just fantastic. I feel like there should be more people out there like her, and the world would be on its way to a better place. So I just thought I'd say keep it up wumman....and maybe make me a sammich. Love you and keep rocking Mo.

1 comment:

  1. Did I ever mention how much I love you?! Because I do! :)
