Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Just a Little Prayer

Dear Lord,
I would much appreciate if you'd stop sending trials my way, for clearly I am not your chosen one nor do I have the patience of Job.  If I need to pledge to become a nun or a hermit in order for you to pull the corn cob out of your possible ass, don't hold your breath, I guess we'll both be in crappy situations.  I have enough trouble with the things I put on MY own plate without the helpful little bunches you throw my way.  So if you could just give me a couple months of relaxation, I'll be renewed enough so that you keep throwing me curve balls.  However the way things are heading if you don't lay off you're going to lose your play thing. It's a shame you didn't have a mother or she might have imparted the wisdom to treat your toys nicely or they'll break and you won't have them any more.

A Disgruntled Skeptic.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

My Dream Speech

One day, in a galaxy far away, there will be a time, where everyone is judged on character vs. what body type they have...everyone in the human race will realize that they appreciate being seen for what they have on the inside as well as/over being seen for what they have outside...they will realize that to pass up on something great just because it has a few scars and dents...the realization that those scars and dents make the thing more valuable rather than less will eventually dawn.  And when that day comes, I'll probably be dead, and from a different galaxy where that never has a hope of becoming the thought of the masses.

Monday, October 10, 2011

A rant against professors

This blog is about teachers in general (granted it doesn't really apply to those in the extremely lower grades, but in case you're thinking of a career change, well then pay attention).  I realize that you are just as busy as I am if not more so, I realize that you enjoy having a life outside of school as much as I do, and I realize that you have more to do than just teach me for an hour every couple of days.  However, if you're going to ask me to do an assignment for you, then you should give me enough time to complete it.  This means that if it's an online assignment, or the directions should be online, or if it's something I need to print off, then you should put it up the day the assignment is announced....I shouldn't have to wait all night to receive the homework so I can rush at the last minute to finish it because you didn't put it online until 12 hours before it's due.  I have to respect you in the classroom, the least you could do is respect me outside of it...that's not to much to ask...and if you can't upload the assignment in a punctual fashion THEN YOU SHOULDN'T BE ASSIGNING THE FUCKING THING IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Holy Holes

So yesterday I had my wisdom teeth pulled. I wasn't put under and it wasn't to bad. The worst thing that hurt was when they gave me the shots to numb my mouth. There was some pressure when they were pulling the lower ones out but other than that it was pretty easy going. I was shocked to see how quick they did it, they had removed all four in an hour, and one of them had needed to be cut out. The only disappointing thing is that they didn't give me dissolvable stitches, so I have to go back to have them removed...which is going to cost more dinero. I was also a little sad that I didn't get to keep my teeth, I had the perfect idea for what to do with them (I was gonna make a bracelet with them and say they were the teeth of my victims, perfect right?!).  They don't really hurt at all unless I try to make my jaw open really far. The only real problem with this that I have is that I can't eat solid food. I'm HUNGRY! And pudding doesn't really fill a person up. I'm seriously contemplating taking delicious foods like chicken and beets and other things I can't eat and making a smoothie out of it. That's how bad I want real food.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

I Have the Greatest Family

So this Thursday I'm having my wisdom teeth taken out, and having all four taken out is going to cost about $1000.  I have the money to cover it but it would really empty my bank account and cause some problems for me getting my apartment for next semester at school. So, I sent my mom a text a few days ago and asked if she could just help me out a little bit.  We talked about cost and some other things and she said she'd see what she could do.  Well today she shot me a text and apparently she told my grandma about it and each of them are going to give me $500.  That means I can still get my apartment and still have some money left over. They're always there for me when I need them, and some times I don't appreciate them the way I should. It's days like today when I get support and help from them that I know I really did get a great family.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Show Your Pride

Today I went to a Gay Pride parade with a couple friends, and I saw a lot of colorful, fabulous characters there, and it made me feel like giving them a shout out.  I was really impressed with the trannies. I mean they put so much work into their looks and they spend more time trying to be girls than I do (they're weren't any girls dressed at guys but I'm sure they're quite stunning too), and they are really dedicated.  Some of them were wearing shoes with like 6" heels (which for anyone who has ever tried wearing heels bigger than 4" is a superbly amazing feat), and they were WALKING AROUND, not just sitting somewhere in the shade, but walking around out in the sun for hours like it was no big deal. Those people deserve dedication awards or something just because. Anyway there were speakers there and they were talking about how there's only three states that allow gay marriage now, and it made me feel like voicing my opinion. There's all those sayings about how gay marriage will ruin the institution of marriage, or that it's wrong to be with someone of the same sex and blah blah blah.  My thought on the institution of marriage, (and there may be a large chance that I'm wrong) is that marriage is the joining of two people who love each other and want to take care of each other making a vow in front of people.  How on Earth does the sex of the couple change that? It really doesn't, so what's the big deal? Another thought I have, is how is it wrong to be with someone you love? It shouldn't matter if it's same sex or opposite sex relationships, if you love someone then you should have the RIGHT AND PRIVILEGE of being with them until death do you part. Love is something so pure and rare that when two people have it they should be able to celebrate it without being questioned or harassed.  And finally, if straight people have the right to try to make themselves happy/miserable (which is how the joke goes about marriage) by pledging to be with someone until the day they die, then so does everyone else, because when you're straight you aren't a different species, you're still human, just like gays, bis, lesbians, and transgenders.  That'd be like saying that for whites it's acceptable to get married but black, hispanic, asian, and anyone else can't because they aren't white. It kind of makes me mad that people can't pull their heads out of their asses and realize this. I guess that's the end of my rant, and I just want to say stay fabulous to everyone out there, and keep pushing for what you deserve to have!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Dear sir,

I'm writing this blog to you because I know you'll most likely never read it, which I'm ok with because that way I seem less creepy and weird. (Which I am but the fewer that know the better.) I wish I had had the ovaries to go up to you at the wedding and ask you for a dance, you looked pretty spiffy. Honestly I wish you had come up and asked me, but I realize that was unlikely. Anyway I really don't know what I want to say. I think it would be nifty if we could hang out/see each other again in a less random way.  And maybe possibly get to know each other, but since you'll never read this and I'll never have the guts to ask, so is life. I hope your's is wonderful.
Just me.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Appreciate the Small Things

So yesterday I left my How to Train Your Dragon thermos in the lecture hall my class is in and I was for sure that someone would have taken it or it would have been taken somewhere and I'd have no idea where that somewhere was.  It was the straw that broke the camel's back.  I have an infected wisdom tooth and it hurt severely yesterday not to mention a few other problems. Well today I went to the lecture hall and I looked at the seat I was at yesterday and no big shocker, it wasn't there. Then I looked up on the window sill and some blessed person had set it there. It had a wonderful halo surrounding it and I could hear it calling to me.  It was just so good to see it, it instantly made my day better. I know that everyone has crazy busy stressful lives, but when was the last time you took a few seconds to appreciate a tiny thing, like the grass under your feet, or a pretty fountain or even the pattern of the clouds. None of these need you to stop and stare to appreciate them, you can do it while you're on the go. I think every day would be just a little bit better if people remembered that small things are usually worth the notice.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Dear Darling Dictator

In case you didn't know, you aren't someone running a damn country.  You're a simple assistant to the assistant manager at a library, nothing special. You don't even come up with the projects, some one tells you what to do and you're simply the person that relays the job to the rest of us. You aren't all knowing and you make the same amount of mistakes if not more than the rest of us. Listen to what the rest of us have to say. We aren't mentally handicapped and some of us are actually quite intelligent. We have ideas, and those ideas frequently work, usually after your idea takes 10 times the work and doesn't do what's needed efficiently so we have to redo it. It's either that of you take our ideas as your own and regurgitate them.  Get off your damn "I am a superb being and can do everything better than you."  You make us sick and you make us hate our job. Get some antibiotics for your character, so it won't be such a disease.

Just a reminder: Listen to other people it'll be easier to find the best route to do something, and you should never act like you're more intelligent than everyone else who breathes oxygen. People are living and deserve respect.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Lady Emotions

So it's that time again. And not to break with tradition, I'm feeling a little down today.  I've been thinking about some things, like how everybody seems to be so much more grown up than I am at this point. They talk about stuff that's super important and they also use grown up wording (which is super cool dude!). It's like someone has shared with them this top secret memo and map of how to be a grown up and not some adle-patted angsty teen. Another thing is that it seems like EVERYONE is getting to date the significant other of their dreams, getting engaged, having babies or getting married (and some with multiple choices).  I want my life to start picking up the pace like theirs. I'm tired of being so behind everyone else with their amazing Life Plan and where they know they're going, while I'm still here standing at the sign post flipping a coin to choose either to go left <--  or --> right. But it's not like I can mention it to a lot of people because the ones that are in relationships always go one of two ways either option a: you are so lucky to be single, dating someone isn't nearly as awesome as it sounds or b: you just have to wait, the right person is going to find you when you least expect it. For people who say option a, if relationships aren't as great as they sound, then why the hell are you in one? Clearly it's better than being single even if it isn't the greatest thing in the world or you'd be single. For option b, why do I have to wait, why am I the one to be found, why can't I do the searching? What's wrong with showing a little motivation in at least one area in my life? I thought that showed I was making some progress. These are just the main ones I've been focusing on for the last bit o' time I guess, I think I honestly just wish that there was a map to life and cheat book where I could put in a code and then 'bam' there would be an easy part with sunshine and a clear road with cute cuddly creatures waiting for me to start walking in that direction. But unfortunately not, it's just Learning Information From Experience.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

An Ode to Mo

I thought I would give something like a shout out to a friend of mine cuz she rocks something fierce. She's a pretty inspiring person just because some of the shit she's had to handle and she's faced it like a champ. Her mom died of cancer when she was a freshman in high school which is something I don't want to try to imagine. She was dealt a pretty shitty hand when it came to the rest of her family, and yet she's managed to turn out pretty amazing. She's mostly positive, she's completed her degree for massage therapy already and is on her way to doing what she wants for the rest of her life. She's pretty freaking hysterical...I mean I honestly don't know someone who can keep a joke about eating babies running for a good four years and still makes it hysterical. She's pretty non-judgemental and she has always taken the time to talk to me when I hit her up. Not to mention she's intelligent and has mad wicked skillz like a ninja. All around she's just fantastic. I feel like there should be more people out there like her, and the world would be on its way to a better place. So I just thought I'd say keep it up wumman....and maybe make me a sammich. Love you and keep rocking Mo.

Well this isn't what I had originally planned...

So today I wanted to blog about someone who I love dearly and deserves to be represented but I don't want them mixed up in this so I guess I will save my praises for them...So there is this girl that I work with who is kind of a stuck up fake bitch, and it came to light that she's been having unprotected sex for a while with her boyfriend and it's very likely that it won't stop for quite some time.  Anyway this weekend she had the stomach flu and couldn't enjoy the weekend she had planned. I know that just because she was sick this weekend doesn't mean she's pregnant and yes I know hoping that she's pregnant is wrong because: 1) it's none of my business 2) a child isn't something you wish on someone like a disease 3) you shouldn't wish others ill will and 4) it's petty. I for sure don't really want her to be pregnant because I would feel absolutely wretched for that child. And as I said before it's not my business but I sincerely feel like there should be something karmically coming her way, because I sometimes have problems with acting like a good person. So this is one of those posts where I hope you won't judge me to harshly.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My First Time

So welcome to the ramblings of a sane lunatic, I hope you enjoy everything I decide to spill, talk, and lecture over because I'm sure all three will happen. I hope you won't judge me too harshly for the opinions and mistakes I'm sure to type out. I have no idea what 'theme' I want for my blog so I'm sure there will be tons of everything posted when I remember to and/or feel like posting. To say a little bit about myself, I'm a junior in college this year and I like to believe that there are very few things about me that are normal (like just about everyone else on the planet I'm assuming, because honestly who goes around screaming they're completely and totally normal).  I love learning new languages and reading. I'm also a huge fan of animals (generally the cute and fluffy variety, although I really like reptiles excluding snakes). Well I feel like that's enough for now....so see you soon :)